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Quinta De La Rosa Tawny Port 500ml

This Port exhibits a nuttiness and a complexity not often founds in these types of tawnies. Good to drink chilled as an aperitif as well as after dinner. This Port has been lightly filtered and does not require decanting

Sandeman Tawny Port 750ml

Descended from the fiery ruby Porto Wines originally shipped by George Sandeman in 1790, Sandeman Ports are still made traditionally to be rich and robust yet with a special depth of flavour and finesse.

Sapich All Black Port 750ml

This Port has flavours of mixed spice, prune, toffee, raisin and hazelnut, the mouthfeel is rich, sweet, smooth and luscious.

Taylor's 10YO Tawny Port 750ml

Taylor's is one of the oldest of the founding Port houses. It is dedicated entirely to the production of Port wine and in particular to its finest styles. Taylor's Port Wine since 1692.

Taylor's 20YO Tawny Port 750ml

Taylor's is one of the oldest of the founding Port houses. It is dedicated entirely to the production of Port wine and in particular to its finest styles. Taylor's Port Wine since 1692.

Taylor's Chip Dry White Port 750ml

Pale, straw colour. Delicate nose combining fresh fruit fragrances with the mellow aromas and hints of oak of a traditional white port. Fresh, lively palate, with good flavour and crisp, dry finish.

Taylor's Fine Ruby Port 750ml

Taylor's Fine Ruby a blend of full bodied Port wines aged for around two years in large oak vats in Taylor's cellars, or 'lodges', in Vila Nova de Gaia.

Taylor's Fine Tawny Port 750ml

Taylor's is now into it's fourth century, one of the very oldest of the Port companies. It is the last totally independent company of the original British Port houses - and is still family owned and managed. Taylor's is recognised for its consistent quality of Vintage Ports and for pioneering the successful 'Late Bottle Vintage' (LBV) style - a high quality ready-to-drink alternative to vintage port.

Taylor's Port Historical Collection III The Mallet 750ml

This blend was carefully put together for this limited edition from specially selected Ports from Taylor's extensive aged Tawny stocks, aged in seasoned oak Port pipes. At the beginning of the 18th century, bottles were hand blown and bulbous in shape. As the 18th century progressed, bottles became taller and more cylindrical. The first stage in this evolution was the appearance of the 'mallet' shaped bottle which had become well established in England by around 1730. Their sides were often tapered towards the shoulder rather than completely parallel. However, by around 1750, the 'mallet' bottle had developed a more cylindrical form. This Limited Edition bottle is inspired by the 'mallet-cylinder' bottle from that period, the immediate predecessor of today's cylindrical wine bottle.

Valdouro Tawny Port 750ml

Tawny Ports are wines made from grapes that are aged in wooden barrels, exposing them to gradual oxidation and evaporation. As a result, they gradually mellow to a golden brown colour

Wolf Blass Red Label Tawny Port 750ml

Wolf Blass Red Label Tawny is a carefully aged and ready to drink fortified wine by the well known Australian wine label. Wolf Blass Wines, established in 1966, is internationally recognised as an icon of modern wine making.
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